‘I pulled over the Grapevine with the sun in my eyes…’ – starts the first verse of “50 Miles to Firebaugh,” our homage to great trucker songs past while celebrating the various stops along I-5 en route to Firebaugh, California.
The first iteration of this stretch of highway, best known as the Grapevine, was originally called the Ridge Route and in 1915 began taking folks to and from L.A. through the rugged San Gabriel and Tehachapi mountains.
One precarious section of the route became known as ‘Dead Man’s Curve,’ yet should not be confused for the theme in the classic song Brian Wilson took part in writing for Jan & Dean where Sunset Boulevard takes a deadly hairpin turn just past North Wittier Drive during a drag race.
We really don’t have many themes at all centered around Los Angeles in our songs and this just the start of the journey as the Grapevine takes us north to Firebaugh.
In other notes… driving in the old ’65 Galaxie you had to turn the heat on full blast when climbing the Grapevine. It didn’t always keep from overheating, but it was the best hope. For our trucker friends, the Jake Brake is their best friend on this stretch of highway. Next up we move on to Pyramid Lake.
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